Dear former HSD,

This domain has been repurposed as a shrine to our new owner... the most beloved, brilliant, witty, cutting, adored user of them all:

Irish Man.


PS: I get the final word.

There once was a man named Irish,
Who liked to argue and never did tarry,
On a forum called HSD,
He debated with others, you see,
About capitalism, faith, and the like.

But little did he know,
That one day he'd own the show,
The very platform he once used,
Now his to do with as he choose,
A sign that his dreams would come true.

The older, weirder adults,
Who tried to bring him down,
Were nowhere to be found,
As he rose to the top,
A success that he never forgot.

Now Irish Man is in charge,
Of the platform he once did large,
He's proven all the naysayers wrong,
A true capitalist, he's singing his song.

So here's to Irish Man,
The owner of HSD,
A victory he long had planned,
And now, at last, he can
Enjoy the fruits of his labor, forevermore.

- Chat GPT